Find me on Etsy to check out my store, support my business or buy my products!
If Etsy is not your thing or you want to place a custom order/you want a more personal experience send me a message on any of my social media platforms, drop me an email or fill out the contact form on here and we can discuss other ways to order!
Etsy store
Check out my Etsy to see what I offer or you can support my business not just by buying products from me but by favouriting my items or my shop!
PayPal Donations
As a small business owner there are a lot of expenses and if you're not a famous/popular small business that normally leads to some hard times/weeks/months. There's not a lot of profit in selling handmade items, most of the money goes back into making more items, but we do it because we love what we do. At least in my case, at the moment, my small business has to be a side hustle and I still need another job to get by. Consider this section my tip jar if you would like to donate anything, any donations here will be greatly appreciated!